A downloadable game

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READ TUTORIAL.TXT  or read below 

Movement - WASD 

Scroll wheel - zoom in and zoom out

 E - enable info mode (when clicking on buildings, if they have it, the UI will be displayed where you can build workers, increase production, or upgrade)

 I - disable info mode 

Building - when clicking on a building in the menu, building mode is activated. When clicking somewhere on the map (not the minimap), the selected building will be placed, and the price will be shown. If the building cannot be placed, it means you have insufficient resources or the location is not suitable. After construction, building mode is automatically deactivated.

NOTE: If the building cannot be placed, you must manually disable building mode using ESC.

Minimap - shows resources.

NOTE:  If you have a negative value of food, a countdown will start, and if you have a negative value of food for too long, you will lose.

Buildings are divided into different types:

  • Producing: these buildings produce resources using workers. The resources are then transferred to storage where they can be utilized.
  • Storage: stores resources.
  • Research: generates science for unlocking technologies. You can view technologies by clicking on the research button. Info displays information about the technology and its cost, as well as what it unlocks. Some technologies require unlocking certain prerequisites before they can be accessed.
  • Manufacture: these buildings have workers who transport certain necessary resources from storage to the building and then the resulting resources from the building back to storage. Currently, they only require plants or fruits and produce food.
  • Housing: adds population. Each person consumes food, whether they are working or not. (The number of people * 2). Only working people generate gold (number of workers * 5). You cannot create workers if there are no available  free people. Upgrades are available.
  • Military: you can build a barracks that can produce soldiers (costs 100 gold). Soldiers can be controlled: left-click to select, right-click to move. If there is an enemy at the destination, they will attack it.

Enemies spawn from three spawners located at the corners of the map (not shown on the minimap). Enemies have two modes: wandering randomly and attacking when they are within range of an enemy (your soldiers or workers). Enemies spawn from the second day onwards.


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CityBuilder_rts.zip 31 MB

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